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HMAA Maternity Program - Blood Pressure Monitor

HMAA Maternity Program - Blood Pressure Monitor
  • Use of blood pressure monitor for the term of your pregnancy
  • Full price deducted in cart with coupon code
  • Shipping & Return Included
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As part of their Maternity and Baby Care Incentive Program, The Hawaii Medical Assurance Association (HMAA) has partnered with BabyBeat to provide patients with a free rental of a physician-grade blood pressure monitor for use during your pregnancy. Kit come with monitor and cuff, user's manual, and new batteries.
Patient Acknowledgement:

By entering my electronic signature below, I understand that HMAA has partnered with BabyBeat to provide me with a blood pressure monitor to use during my pregnancy. This kit includes the monitor and cuff, new batteries, instructions for use, and a return shipping label to be used to return the monitor at the end of my pregnancy.

All units are warrantied for coverage against damage, but not loss or theft. Unit must be returned to BabyBeat.

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